Shea Dawson
I have always been inspired by Love but even more so in 2016, the year that so many wonderful things began to manifest within my life and in my spirit. I reconnected with an old friend who turned out to be the love of my life and landed my dream job all in the same year. I was being moved toward and by Love.
Despite all of the violence, hate, and senseless killings unfolding around the nation, my urges to spread love a positivity intensified, as well as the need to find my voice. I started a Love Blog called Lovers Live Here because I was tired of reading about and witnessing the oppression of human life. I vowed to highlight, write and teach others about the essential elements to cultivate healthy love.
In the home, in relationships, within religion, in the workplace, in society and within the government. I was feeling overwhelmed with empathy and compassion for all, it was the beginning of a turning point in my life. Everything started to make sense! I had begun to pay attention to life on purpose, studying and listening to others about their experiences with love. My mission was clear, to serve and bring joy to others through acts of kindness and positive reinforcement. I knew I could make a difference, even if on a small scale. My thoughts were becoming my reality, my words were driving my actions, and I realized that my morals and values had gotten me to this point. Living a service-driven life was fueling every positive thing that was happening to me!
I had always been inspired by the late, great Maya Angelou who said that “Love is a condition so powerful; it may be that which pulls the stars in the firmament. It may be that which pushes and urges the blood in the veins. Courage: you have to have the courage to love somebody because you risk everything – everything.” People all over the world are afraid to love their neighbors because of their differences, scared of what makes all of us unique, but love connects us all! I was put on this earth to help teach and exhibit true love, to unlock its power to heal. It’s true what they say, when you find your passion you find your purpose.
Love conquers All!